• 0.15

Atomic Counters at Stateful.co

For example, you need an atomic counter available online and shared among multiple processes running on different nodes in the network. Here is how you do it in Java, using this SDK:

import co.stateful.Counter;
import co.stateful.Counters;
import co.stateful.Sttc;
import co.stateful.RtSttc;
import com.jcabi.urn.URN;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    Sttc sttc = new RtSttc(
      new URN("urn:github:526301"),
    String name = "test-123";
    Counters counters = sttc.counters();
    Counter counter = counters.create(name);
    long value = counter.incrementAndGet(1L);
    System.out.println("new value: " + value);